Sunday, July 27, 2008

Christian Quote for the day (or until I get another one done)

God's law provides a security which is designed to provide a high degree of freedom from fear and therefore a high degree of freedom to act. (My motto for the day with help from W. Cleon Skousen)


Lyndee W. said...

Sara, I've loved reading your blog. You're doing great! This quote especially hits home for me. With my struggles (of which you are aware) it's been hard for me to forget my fears of what God may have in store for me and give all control to Him. My Mom sent me this quote the other day and it goes right along with the quote you posted...thought you might enjoy it:

"There is a 2 word phrase listed in all 66 books of the Bible and that phrase is FEAR NOT. God doesn't want us to be afraid; this is His most frequently repeated instruction. He wants us to be strong and courageous. 'You can trust me. Fear not.' Why does God command us not to fear? Fear doesn't seem like the most serious vice in the world. It never made the list of the 7 Deadly Sins. No one ever receives church discipline for being afraid. So why does God tell humans to stop being afraid more often than He tells them anything else? My hunch is that the reason God says 'Fear Not' so because fear is the number one reason we are tempted to avoid doing what God asks us to do."
John Ortberg, "If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to Get Out of the Boat"

I love you Sara! Thanks for being my're excellent!

Alison said...

Hey Sara, long time no see. I'll have to stop by next time I go visit my poor lonely house. That is a great quote! A concept that lots of people don't understand. The freedom that comes from believing and having faith in God's plan for us.